King Price Playing Cards
King Price Insurance tasked us with creating a deck of playing cards for their prospective clients. This presented the opportunity to showcase their insurance offerings with the four suits: Hearts for personal insurance, clubs for community insurance, spades for engineering insurance, and diamonds for business insurance.
The illustrations on the cards represent the different insurance offerings in clever ways such as the king of diamonds in a suit, while the king of spades wears a hard hat with some scaffolding in the background. Small little details such as a paper plane or a sandwich is hidden in plain sight for the viewer to find, all truly South African by nature. The ace cards feature beautifully illustrated A's that also include tiny details from each suit.
What makes this deck of playing cards more memorable, is the finishing of 24-carat gold foiling and embossed linework that gives the cards its eye-catching shine. It also adds value to King Price's offering, emphasizing the top quality insurance you are promised.